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Ancillary Proceedings

Guiding Out-Of-State Executors Through Probate


For generations, attorneys at DeAngelus Goralczyk, PLLC, have guided estate administrators and

executors through the New York estate administration and probate process. One of the services we

offer is opening ancillary probate proceedings for out-of-state executors who need to liquidate real

property in New York.

In New York, fiduciaries for decedents who live out of state are required to file a separate estate

proceeding — called an ancillary proceeding — in order to get jurisdiction over real property in New

York. For example, if the deceased primarily lived in Vermont (he was domiciled there) but owned a

vacation home in upstate New York, his or her fiduciary would need to file a proceeding in Vermont and

an ancillary proceeding in New York.


We’ll Handle Your Ancillary Proceedings

Many fiduciaries are family members, facing legal issues during a time of significant personal loss. We’ll

take over the burden of the New York ancillary proceedings for you or your client, representing your

interests at each stage of the process. Whether the deceased’s real property is located in Schenectady

or elsewhere in New York, our seasoned attorneys can help:


File a petition for jurisdiction

  • Obtain jurisdiction over all the property, heirs, creditors and beneficiaries

  • Locate and inventory the property

  • Distribute the assets and transfer the property

  • Take other estate administration actions on your behalf

  • Helping New York, Florida, And Out-Of-State Executors

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