Digital Asset Planning
Protecting Your Data With A Digital Estate Plan
The tech landscape is changing constantly, and many people now store and use information
electronically, rather than on paper. At DeAngelus Goralczyk, PLLC, we can help you protect these data
once you pass on or become incapacitated as part of a comprehensive estate plan.
This developing area of estate planning is known as creating a digital legacy plan or digital asset
protection. We like to think of it as estate planning for your cyberlife. Our attorneys, who have extensive
experience in both estate planning and cybersecurity law, can help you execute the appropriate
documents that will dictate what will happen to all of these records and who will have control of them
after you pass away or become incapacitated. We can help you decide who this digital personal
representative should be and the extent of their duties in taking over your digital estate.
Our firm can help you plan for the handling of all types of information stored through different modes of
technology, including:
Personal correspondence and files
Email accounts
Business contacts and relevant business documentation
Sensitive financial information
Archives of creative portfolios for professionals
Personal photos and other media capturing memories and family history
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and other digital assets
Social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
These records may be in emails, on external websites, hard drives, flash drives, CDs or other storage
devices. We can advise you on effective ways to inventory your digital assets as well as the login and
password details needed to access these records, so that your personal representative can administer
them in a timely and efficient manner.
By setting up a digital asset protection plan, you can avoid this information from being lost or your loved
ones not having access to crucial information such as bank accounts and contact information to notify
others of your passing. A digital personal representative can also control who has access to this
information as well as distribute records, archives and data that can be used to retrieve other assets in
your estate.
Creating A Will For Social Network Accounts
Creating a will for social network accounts also has a number of benefits. It can specify what you would
like to shut down as well as what should be posted to notify contacts of your passing or illness. Having a
plan of action for your social media can also alert people you may not be in constant contact with as