Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, And Health Care Proxies
Taking Steps To Protect Your Future Financial And Physical Welfare
As part of our comprehensive estate planning services at DeAngelus Goralczyk, PLLC, we help you
prepare the appropriate documentation of powers of attorney and health care proxies. These decisions
will play a pivotal role in ensuring your wishes are honored later in life.
Health care proxies – You have the option to legally name one person to make necessary health care
decisions on your behalf should you become medically incapacitated for a time.
Power of attorney – Your durable power of attorney document will name the person you wish to act on
your behalf in legal and property matters while you are medically incapacitated.
Living will — Rather than leaving decisions regarding your acceptance of life-sustaining treatments to a
person, a living will legally states your wishes on potentially end-of-life treatments.
New York And Florida Power Of Attorney Lawyers
It is important that you have the knowledgeable legal guidance to assist you in making these decisions.
Establishing these details as part of an estate plan sooner rather than later is far less expensive and
saves you the financial and time-consuming distress of facing these decisions in the middle of a crisis.
Seeking guardianship at the last moment is a lengthy, costly process in court, and you run the risk of
being assigned a different guardian than you wished.
When you pass, your estate will be distributed, either by an “estate plan” outlined in New York state
statutes for those without a will, or you can create your own. Only in drafting your own will and advance
directives can you ensure that your wishes will be respected and your affairs managed by those you
Contact DeAngelus Goralczyk, PLLC, at +1-518-641-6400 for counsel on how you can clarify your medical
wishes and avoid the risk of leaving this decision to the courts.